Opportunity to join the Board of Racing Pride

Due to its ongoing growth, Racing Pride is looking for a non-executive Director or Directors to join the existing Board of Racing Pride CIC – the UK incorporated entity behind Racing Pride.

While much of the day-to-day running of Racing Pride is delegated, and is managed by founder and CEO Richard Morris, the Directors have ultimate oversight of all of its activities. With Richard’s input and that of key stakeholders, they set the strategic direction of Racing Pride and are vital in ensuring that the right decisions are taken, in the proper way, to continue the growth and success of the movement.

Board meetings, usually held online, are scheduled each quarter and last around two hours, excluding the time required for preparation and follow up. Between meetings, and where appropriate, some decisions are taken by using WhatsApp and email. This is a voluntary position, and outside of Board meetings, the workload of Directors is not onerous, but occasionally Directors may be required or choose to be involved in projects or activities for Racing Pride outside of the requirements of being a Director. For example, these may relate to finance and banking, people or legal matters. These may be remunerated by separate arrangement. Being a Director may also be combined with having another role within Racing Pride, such as ambassador or community champion.

There is no fixed skill set/required experience, but ideally a candidate would have some of the following:

  • A working knowledge of, or experience in, motorsport and/or the associated automotive industry, or a segment of it
  • An appreciation of the experiences of LGBTQ+ people and some knowledge of LGBTQ+ issues
  • Experience of governance in the sphere of motorsport, LGBTQ+ or other related organisations
  • Experience of helping organise or run a network, campaign, organisation, or company
  • An understanding of conventional and/or social media
  • Experience in the sphere of finance and/or accounting
  • Relevant marketing experience
  • Legal expertise relevant to organisations such as Racing Pride CIC


In order to register your interest in the position of Director, please e-mail current Director Bryanna Hardng (bryanna@racingpride.com) by 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 17th June. In your email, please include a short CV and details of:

  • Your reason for applying
  • The particular experience that you have that you consider would add value to the Board of Directors and Racing Pride more widely
  • Your brief thoughts on one key opportunity and one key threat facing Racing Pride