Opportunities to Join the Racing Pride Team!

Racing Pride has grown at a remarkable rate over the last three years. Launched in June 2019 as the world’s first concerted movement to positively promote LGBTQ+ inclusion inclusion within motorsport, throughout the broader associated automotive industry, and among its technological and commercial partners, Racing Pride has gone from having a handful of ambassadors and partners in UK motorsport to working with multiple teams in Formula One and Formula E and building a diverse portfolio of international ambassadors and partners spanning multiple continents. We have exciting plans to expand our activities even further in the coming year.

Racing Pride has been built by a small but dedicated team of people, passionate about motorsport, the automotive industry, and LGBTQ+ inclusion. In order to help us grow further, engage ever more people across the sport and industry as allies, and continue to boost visible representation for our community, we are looking for motivated individuals to join our team. Some of the roles are voluntary, while others will carry modest remuneration.

To apply, please email contact@racingpride.com explaining in the body of the email which position you think you might be able to help with and why you would like to be part of Racing Pride, and attaching a short ‘CV’ as a PDF document setting out any relevant experience and/or skills you could bring.

We intend to invite applications until Friday 21st October, although we reserve the right to make appointments earlier if appropriate candidates are identified sooner.

Initially, we are looking to hear from people interested in the following roles which will be key to our continued success:


Racing Pride is looking for a Director to join the existing board of Racing Pride CIC – the incorporated entity behind Racing Pride. Directors are vital in ensuring that the right decisions are taken, in the proper way, to continue the growth and success of the movement. While much of the day-to-day running of Racing Pride is delegated, the Directors have ultimate oversight of all of its activities and, collectively, help to set the strategic direction in dialogue with key individuals and stakeholders.

Full Directors meetings happen roughly every 2 to 3 months and last about 2 hours. Between meetings, shorter questions are resolved and smaller decisions are taken by using WhatsApp and email.

There is no fixed skill set/required experience, but ideally a candidate would have some of the following:

  • A working knowledge of, or experience in, motorsport and/or the associated automotive industry, or a segment of it
  • An appreciation of the experiences of LGBTQ+ people and some knowledge of LGBTQ+ issues
  • Some experience of helping organise or run a network, campaign, organisation, or company
  • Knowledge of Companies House requirements
  • Experience of keeping accounts
  • An understanding of conventional and/or social media

This is a voluntary position, but occasionally Directors may be asked or choose to be involved in projects or activities for Racing Pride outside of the requirements of being a Director, which may be remunerated by separate arrangement.

Being a Director may also be combined with having another role within Racing Pride.

Accounting Manager

It is vital both for the efficient running of Racing Pride and for complying with legal obligations that we maintain and submit accurate accounts. We are looking for someone with an accounting background, or with experience of running a small enterprise, to place in charge of Racing Pride’s accounting.

This role would include generating invoices as required (we are currently using software to do this, which can be passed on together with instruction on how to use it), and making and keeping track of payments from Racing Pride’s account. The role would also involve keeping the board of Racing Pride, and relevant decision makers, informed of Racing Pride’s financial position, and helping with budgeting.

There will be a monthly honorarium payment for this role.

Social Media Manager

We are looking for someone with social media content creation experience to join our current social media admin. We would particularly like someone with experience of creating planned, scheduled content to help us organise our posts around key dates in the LGBTQ+ calendar and important events for Racing Pride. We would also like them to help collate data on engagement/reach. This person will need to attend short, regular meetings with the Director of Partner Relations and the other member of the social media team to coordinate content.

There will be a monthly honorarium payment for this role.

Membership Manager

In an exciting development for Racing Pride, we intend to launch a membership option for people who want to connect with Racing Pride more closely. Membership will include access to exclusive online events and groups, as well as invitations to real world events and meet-ups. The Membership Manager will manage member sign-ups, maintain the list of current members, and handle renewals. They will manage the programme of online member events (expected to be roughly one event per month) – coordinating with ambassadors who will speak at the events and publicising the events to the membership. They will also, together with the social media team, manage provision of member access to the private online group(s) for members.

There will be a monthly honorarium payment for this role.

Events Manager

This role involves organising real world events and meet-ups for members in collaboration with the Director of Partner Relations and the Membership Manager. The Director of Partner Relations will identify event opportunities with ambassadors and partners. The Events Manager will handle the detail/logistics of the events within set budgets, communicate the events to members (together with the Membership Manager and social media team), and handle member event sign-ups. Expected event types include karting, pride parties at motorsport venues, and potentially hospitality opportunities made available by ambassadors and partners. We would envisage about 6-10 events of this sort per year. While the Events Manager would make arrangements for these, we do expect to ask for volunteers to assist with running the events on the day.

There will be an honorarium payment per event for this role.

Content Writers

One important part of Racing Pride increasing visibility of the LGBTQ+ community in motorsport and the automotive industry is to publish our ‘Spotlight’ series of stories on our website, which are built around interviews with LGBTQ+ people involved in different roles and disciplines internationally. We are looking for aspiring writers to interview these people and write up pieces about them for us to publish. We also need writers for occasional stories about Racing Pride events and news.

Writers will get feedback on their work from a mentor who is an experienced professional journalist, as well as a payment per story.

If you are applying for this role, please send links to up to three pieces of content you have written previously as examples of your work.