Racing Pride’s vision is to positively promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity through the platform of motorsport. This involves highlighting the achievements and experiences of LGBTQ+ people involved in all aspects of motorsport, encouraging increased participation, and providing opportunities for those within the motorsport industry and fans of the sport to become visible allies for the LGBTQ+ community. Motorsport has a huge reach and by galvanising the sport to promote inclusivity, Racing Pride can inspire positive attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community in society more broadly.

Racing Pride is actively working towards these aims in a number of ways.

Ambassador Programme:

Racing Pride has a range of Ambassadors across a variety of positions within motorsport to act as role models for the LGBTQ+ community both within the sport and more broadly. These Ambassadors include: our Driver Ambassadors using their profile within the sport to inspire further participation; Industry Ambassadors, such as marshals and officials, mechanics, engineers and those working within the motorsport industry; and Media Ambassadors, representing the LGBTQ+ community involved in the coverage of motorsport, and using their platforms to promote Racing Pride’s message.


Racing Pride is forging partnerships with organisations within and beyond motorsport which can help us to promote our message and values of acceptance, equality, and inclusivity. Racing Pride is looking to partner with clubs, series organisers, championships, teams, governing bodies and companies. Racing Pride’s partnerships currently represent a reach of around 90 series within British motorsport.

If you are interested in discussing working with Racing Pride as an Industry Partner or an Ally Company, please look at the Partner With Us section of this site and get in touch using the contact form.

Raising Awareness at Shows & Events:

One important way Racing Pride promotes its vision is by having a presence at shows and events, raising awareness of the movement and encouraging people to think about inclusivity. Already, Racing Pride Ambassadors have attended and spoken on stage at a number of major shows and events including the Autosport International Show, CarFest South, the NEC Classic Motor Show, and Motorsport Days Live.

If you would be interested in Racing Pride attending your show or event, please get in touch with us using the contact form.

Spotlight Series:

As part of its commitment to representing the LGBTQ+ community within motorsport as a whole, Racing Pride’s regular Spotlight interview series, shared in the News section of this site and across our social media pages, gives a platform to LGBTQ+ people and allies involved in any form and at any level of motorsport, both within the UK and internationally, to share their experiences, their thoughts, the challenges they have faced and their achievements. This series also provides an opportunity for LGBTQ+ motorsport journalists to showcase their work by conducting and writing-up the interviews. If you would like to take part in the Spotlight Series, please get in touch with us using the contact form.

Developing Resources:

Racing Pride, in collaboration with its partners, is developing a range of diversity and inclusion resources tailored to motorsport including guidance on how to be a good ally to LGBTQ+ people in motorsport settings and frameworks for creating inclusive cultures both at and away from the track.

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