Blue arched sign features the Motorsport UK logo and reads 'inclusion hub'.

Racing Pride thrilled to be part of Motorsport UK’s innovative new Inclusion Hub

Racing Pride is thrilled to be a listed organisation on Motorsport UK’s new Inclusion Hub, which was formally launched at the Autosport International Show 2025.

The Inclusion Hub is an innovative platform to connect young people with various motorsport opportunities and resources through a website created in collaboration with, and commissioned by, Mission 44. There will also be physical Inclusion Hubs hosted by Motorsport UK at selected events. 

The Hub aims to simplify access and promote engagement within the motorsport ecosystem by helping people to find the most relevant support and communities for them. Initially, the Hub is primarily aimed at those aged 14-24 and their guardians and teachers to support them in navigating all of the opportunities available to them. Each of the recognised community organisations within the Hub has been through a formal process with Motorsport UK in order to be listed, including compliance with safeguarding criteria. 

We’re proud to be working with Motorsport UK alongside a range of other amazing programmes and initiatives to connect people of all backgrounds with opportunities and collectively promote diversity within the sport.
Our organisational page within the Inclusion Hub can be found online here.

If you are curious about finding a role in the world of motorsport, you can also take the Inclusion Hub Quiz, and find out about many exciting opportunities in the sector.